STITCH SKETCH: Weeping Willow

STITCH SKETCH: Weeping Willow


Weeping Willow
Chainstitch Embroidery on Fresh Water Textiles Linen
18” x 18”

There’s a weeping willow on the bay that catches my eye every time I drive into town. The color of it is stunning and different than everything else right now. Everything is exploding in pastels: light pinks and yellows and the brightest greens. But here is this weeping willow shrouded in bronze and gold. I love it so much.

I am going to attempt this in a larger painting, so I’m really trying to work out how to stitch this tree. That’s exactly what these Stitch Sketches are meant for! I actually really love the back of this piece, and feel like I might want to focus more on that in the final piece. All good information. :)

This is meant to be part of an ongoing series in which I release a couple of small chainstitched wall hanging every week. They are sketches of ideas, meditations on concepts, beginnings of paths. Some will turn into bigger pieces, maybe even series, but this is a platform for me to experiment with new ideas.

Thanks y’all. :)



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