Stitch Sketch: An Offering

Stitch Sketch: An Offering


An Offering

Acrylic and Chainstitch Embroidery on Canvas


In an attempt to add more play into my studio time, I’ve been adding paint to a canvas and letting that dictate the stitching that goes on top of it. Almost everything I’m painting right now is getting this dusty rose color as an undertone, but here I wanted it to be the primary color. I felt compelled to stitch hands lately, and I’m not sure why. It’s a definite departure for me, but I’m trying to stay true to the concept of play and follow whatever whims come my way. Whims are something to be thankful for, indeed! 

This, too, is an attempt on my part to stay connected to and excited about the idea of the stitch sketch. I created this series as a way to play with new ideas and allow myself to explore forms and methods outside of any series I happen to be working on. In this way, I am very very happy with this piece, as it stayed very true to this goal. 

Thank you!


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