STITCH SKETCH: Goldenrod and Aster

STITCH SKETCH: Goldenrod and Aster


Goldenrod and Aster
Chainstitch Embroidery on Fresh Water Textile Linen
18” x 18”

Goldenrod often needs a champion as it is commonly confused with ragweed and blamed for the allergies of many. I see you, Goldenrod, with your glorious sunshine blossoms flanking the roadsides, and here is a humble ode to you. Of course I’ve included your partner in beauty, with a nod to Robin Wall Kimmerer, the Aster.

This is meant to be part of an ongoing series in which I release a small chainstitched wall hanging every Monday. They are sketches of ideas, meditations on concepts, beginnings of paths. Some will turn into bigger pieces, maybe even series, but this is a platform for me to experiment with new ideas.

Also how dreamy is this Fresh Water Textile Linen??

Thanks y’all. :)



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