Prickly Pear in Bloom

Prickly Pear in Bloom
Chainstitch Embroidery on Dyed Linen
18” x 18”
The concept of the “stitch sketch” began as a way to create a first draft of a subject, testing out different techniques and colors combinations before stitching it on a painting. This is absolutely true in this piece. While working on a much (much!!) larger piece, I determined I needed to try out some colors and ideas before committing to them on a large scale. I learned a lot through making this piece, but I think my color instincts were right on! I’m happy with the painterly look to these cactus ears.
I am so drawn to the moody blues of the prickly pear. The delicate flowers seem impossible coming from such a rugged plant, but the desert is full of surprises like this.
Stitched on Fresh Water Textiles Dyed Linen.